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Geplaatst: 20.10.2005 - 19:24
door Ben
2006 Volvo S40 T5 AWD
By Christopher A. Sawyer, Executive Editor Automotive Design & Production

No matter how hard I tried, the same words kept coming to mind: “orthopedic shoes.” It’s not the visual you want buyers to associate with your 218-hp, all-wheel-drive small sport sedan with a six-speed manual gearbox, but I couldn’t shake the feeling.

Perhaps it was the seat, which made certain you were in the absolutely best position possible for maximum comfort and minimal strain on the back. It also sat you high for a great view of the road, but would not lower enough to make you feel a part of the car. Or perhaps it was the pedals that didn’t want to let you heel-and-toe downshift comfortably and with minimal difference in control feel between the pedals lest you put your hip out-of-joint. Whatever the case, this car kept whispering “ergonomics” and not “let’s go play.”

After so many years of safety first, fun second, it’s not hard to categorize Volvos in this way. They are sturdy vehicles that take you from Point A to Point B in safety and comfort. They are not vehicles you immediately associate with clipping apexes while seeing how many seconds you can cut off the trip from A to B. The S40 is no different, despite its attempt to make you forget Volvo’s main focus. It’s an orthopedic shoe, all right. Only it’s meant for running short of an all-out sprint in comfort and safety.